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Sold With Webinars Podcast

Oct 22, 2018

Welcome to another episode of Sold With Webinars! I recorded this episode specifically for you because I want YOU to make more money with your business! I want YOU to stop treating your webinar as a product and I want you to start thinking of how you can 5 or 10X your business without any extra effort.

This episode is kind of a rant, but I am sick and tired of people buying into the fact that they need this $997 course, that it will be their golden ticket! It might be the ticket, but it won't be ever-lasting... so without further ado...

If you have been following any of the big name marketers, you have also probably been leaving money on the table. 

Falling victim to the $997 curse! Everyone thinks they need the $997 course.  I don't know why it has been hammered into our heads that we need this. But those who are successful in selling their $997 course, are over delivering.  What I mean by that is, some of my clients have been providing over the top support, access, coaching for minimal profits a month minus all that fulfillment overhead.

Make the shift: understand your true value and what people really want to pay for.  Stop the cycle, stop the burn-out. 

Rule #1 - do not offer lifetime access as a bonus.

The real money is made on the back-end.

People don't want to buy courses, they want to pay for access.

Think about it, a book only costs $5-$10. Why? Because it comes with no access. 

Once you build your webinar as a business model, leverage your webinar, you can 10X your value. How? It's by adding support and implementation help... but for an extra cost. 

How can you work this into your business? Don't cannibalize your back-end!

Thanks for listening!

Check out for an inside look at how I review and critique webinars. 

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Are you looking for webinar advice or need to tweek your marketing messaging, send us an email.  We are always looking for clients for our new service, The Perfect Expert. Email me at if you're interested.