Feb 15, 2017
This is part 2 of a 2-part interview with Travis Stephenson…
In part 1 of this interview, Travis talked about how he was using auto webinars to generate sales for his previous software business, InterOptin. This episode focuses on how he’s launched his new software product and how he’s using it to generate sales for his Minimum Viable Product.
In this episode: You’ll learn an important strategy to launch a brand-new product or service, how to start generating sales to help fund the development of the software before your products official launch and tips to maximize your earnings with webinars.
Generated $19.5K in sales and profited $9K.
90 people show, did $13.5K in sales.
“I literally never promote my encores, just the main session.”-Travis
o Nobody cares what you’re selling. They care about what they need.
o What they want is easier, to spend less time, more results and automation.
o When he focused his ads on results, he started seeing massive results himself.
Matching your audience's deep desires and needs to what your product does is the #1 thing you've gotta figure out."-Travis
"People ask 'Don't you get tired of doing webinars from 3-9pm?'…To be completely honest with you, when you go home and you can tell your wife 'Hey, I made 50 thousand dollars today' or even 5 thousand bucks...No. You don't get tired of it.”-Travis Stephenson
Chatmatic.com/live - View auto webinar rolling all the time
GoToWebinar (Travis has used for 7 years!)
Facebook – Watch whiteboard trainings and live videos!
Instagram: @TravisCrossfit
Follow and watch a behind-the-scenes look at how I’m personally launching a brand new 6 & 7 figure product from scratch at SoldWithWebinars.com/TV
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